Community involvement is the heart and soul of this project. We are proud of the relationships we have been able to make within our own community. These relationships have allowed us to create an app that advocates for everyone and their needs.
How does BlueJay help police?
BlueJay is an essential de-escalation tool that allows for police to know more about who they are pulling over.
This tool calls for drivers to be transparent and volunteer any critical, humanizing, life-saving information to their engaging officer.
By knowing more about the driver being pulled over, police officers are able to create a personal, tailored interaction for that individual.
For officers going above and beyond to create a safe space for individuals, there is an opportunity for BlueJay users to commend their officer. This creates the first ever acknowledgment system implemented into a police department.
BlueJay Analytics provide detailed insights regarding each officers carside manner and conduct. This allows superior officers to deliver feedback that may not be as easy to identify from a formal complaint. BlueJay pin points exactly where each officer can do better to serve their citizens and provide the best customer service.
How does BlueJay help new drivers?
BlueJay aims to educate all drivers.
Via the “Know Your Rights” section within the BlueJay App, drivers will receive push notifications informing users of proper procedure for different situations associated with traffic stops.
“Know Your Rights” will be a joint effort between BlueJay and local law enforcement to ensure the information provided to BlueJay users is accurate.
As a new driver, being pulled over is a scary thing. We hope that through these notifications and a consistent navigation of this section, new drivers will already be equipped with the knowledge to ensure a smooth, safe interaction between both the driver and officer.
Among the topics are, but not limited to:
"What do I do when being pulled over for the first time?"
"What do I do if I do not have my Driver’s License?"
"Can I call my mom or dad to feel safe?"
How does BlueJay help drivers with language barriers?
Another vital de-escalation feature built into BlueJay is the opportunity to inform police officers of your first language. Being pulled over is an anxiety spiking situation; even more so when english is not your first language.
Alongside newly adopted services, (availability of this service is different per state) police will be able to provide BlueJay drivers on-demand language translation for up to 240 languages including American Sign Language.
For example, if an individual’s BlueJay Driver Profile informs the engaging officer their first language is German, the officer is given the opportunity to provide the driver a translator in the moment. This important piece of information about the driver is discovered before any interaction is held, relieving some of the anxiety of the unknown between both the officer and the driver.
How does BlueJay help drivers with medical conditions?
The safety of our users is of utmost importance. Although this is very similar to the mental health page, both are different. Drivers have the opportunity to provide first responders with any critical health conditions that may assist in creating an individualized, personal experience with the responding officer.
Police officers often pull over drivers having a diabetic episode mistaking them for driving while intoxicated. By including this medical condition in the BlueJay Driver Profile, the officer now has the chance to determine which conclusion is more applicable to the scenario.
One of the most common traffic stops involves drivers who have Alzheimer’s. These drivers often do not realize the situation, and do not pull over, therefore leading the officer to deduce the driver is refusing to stop, or eluding. As simple as it may be, knowing the driver suffers from Alzheimer’s now becomes an option for the officer to consider and take any steps necessary to create a safe environment for the driver.
How does BlueJay help advocate for mental health conditions?
One of the most beneficial features of BlueJay is the ability for drivers to communicate any mental health conditions to responding officers.
Through research and conversations, police officers often do not have the ability to discern whether or not a driver is suffering from a mental health condition. With BlueJay, officers are able to make a better judgement call as to what the driver may be experiencing rather than an in the moment decision.
Due to a recent bill passed, the Oklahoma City Police Department recently underwent 40 hours of Crisis Intervention Training to better help individuals suffering from a mental health crisis. By providing any mental health information, trained officers will be able to respond and provide the necessary resources for the individual.
How does BlueJay help drivers with disabilities?
Not all disabilities are visual. With this knowledge, BlueJay allows for drivers with any disabilities to communicate this to their engaging officer, allowing for a more mindful, intentional interaction.
For example, a driver whose BlueJay Driver Profile displays they have a hearing disability, urges the engaging officer to be mindful and not assume the driver may be non-compliant if being instructed to get out of the car, or any other verbal command.
Through conversation, some members who are protected under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) prefer to not visually display their disability via a hanging sign or license plate as they fear it renders them vulnerable. BlueJay allows these drivers to safely communicate any disabilities to their officer.
How does BlueJay help families and loved ones?
One of our mottos at BlueJay is:
We All Come Home.
This platform is designed to do just that. Ensure that both the driver and police officer make it back home safely.
When a driver is pulled over, their selected BlueJay users are notified of the fact as well as their location. This may give the driver peace of mind knowing that they are not alone, and their loved ones are aware of the situation.
BlueJay users are encouraged to add BlueJay Driver Profiles for their loved ones who may not have the ability or means to do so themselves. This ensures these loved ones are safe on the road, as well.
How does BlueJay help women?
BlueJay is designed to help all communities and address common scenarios frequently reported by women.
As the first layer of safety, women are assured they are being engaged by a sworn officer, not an impersonator.
The BlueJay Driver Experience Questionnaire gives women a sense of security knowing they can provide feedback regarding their police officer’s conduct and carside manner. All questionnaires are thoroughly reviewed and delivered to police departments regularly to ensure accountability, and provide police departments the chance to make data driven decisions based on the feedback on given by drivers.
How does BlueJay help minority communities?
Currently, there are no forms of preventative measures in place during a traffic stop. While there are body cameras that help after the fact, BlueJay is designed to PREVENT situations from becoming escalated.
Within BlueJay, lives the BlueJay Hub. This hub provides critical resources to our drivers assisting in getting help before, during and after a traffic stop.
Among these resources are:
Misdemeanor Diversion *Select Cities*
Ability to obtain an affordable rate call 1 insurance policy
Have a traffic ticket condensed into an affordable monthly payment*
“Know Your Rights” section
All services provided to the driver are proud parters of BlueJay Executive Parters, Inc
Traffic ticket payment plan currently available in Oklahoma
How does BlueJay address the current state of policing?
Over the past decade, police misconduct settlements reached upwards of $3 billion dollars. BlueJay aims to prevent escalation and provide officers with additional resources to make more informed decisions, ultimately mitigating the rising number of settlements.
Currently, officers are only informed of the following information during a traffic stop: whether or not the vehicle has been reported stolen, whether or not there is an active warrant for arrest, and any residential, basic information on the individual. (i.e. address, phone number) Not only is this system often inaccurate, but leaves out crucial, humanizing information regarding the individual being pulled over.
The BlueJay Driver Experience Questionnaire uses language and expectations derived directly from the police code of conduct, ensuring a fair and transparent report on officers.
In a time where police are being heavily observed, BlueJay offers a chance to humanize the officer, as well. With the negative portrayal of police in the media, BlueJay offers each officer the chance to control their own narrative.