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Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I volunteering this info?

This is where we give you a lot of detail.  It's a lot of reading, but we want you to know everything that you can.   Bear with us as we give you all the details about how BlueJay works, why we collect this info, and how we secure all of it.

A traffic stop is likely going to happen to almost every citizen at some point.  In any police interaction, the officer is given a lot of details to go through, but all of this information is coming from sources that aren't you.  All communities are different, and all people have different needs. With BlueJay, law enforcement officers will be able to see more than just your driving record. Your officer will know who you are, things you may have in common, and any needs you would like to the officer to be aware of.  .


The Details:

License Plate:

The license plate is essential to the functionality of BlueJay. Not only is your profile identified via your license plate number, law enforcement officers initiate the traffic stop alert by way of entering this number.  This starts the process of knowing more about each other in the moment, and getting valuable details about how the stop went 24 hours later.

First Language:
BlueJay aims to make every user feel more accommodated.  Alongside newly adopted services, police departments will be able to provide you on-demand language interpretation for up to 240 languages, including ASL.

Although this one may be concerning, your occupation can be an opportunity for your officer to make more informed decisions relating to the scenario.  For example, if the officer sees tools or equipment in the car, they know they pertain to your work, and there's less guess work and need for questions during a stop.  And this is a way for you two to find more in common with each other, and keeps the interaction both quick, smooth and professional.

What will police do with my information?:
Your information is securely protected, and never shared unless it's actively being used in the pertinent moment. 

Your information can only be accessed if you are in a stop.  Other than viewing your profile to make the best informed decisions during a traffic stop, police departments will have no interaction or access to your data.

What if I'm being pulled over and I'm not the driver?
By way of the BlueJay Environmental Survey (the in-the-moment one), you will be able to let your officer know if you are driving the car or not.  And if you let a friend or family member use your car for a moment, you'll know right away that they were pulled over.

Can any of the information I'm volunteering hurt or incriminate me?:
 BlueJay promotes transparency, and the only way this platform can do any harm is dependent on the accuracy and the kind of the information provided in your BlueJay Driver Profile. 

Can I delete my account from BlueJay?
Yes.  While our encryption ensures that this data is virtually impossible to be used by a third party, we can and will honor requests to delete your personal information. You have the option to exit at any time.

Is my information safe?:
Your information is safe and secure.  All people that BlueJay serves are protected using extreme levels of encryption, multi-factor authentication, and different locations that data is stored.

Our security meets HIPAA standards, and is AES protected.



*BlueJay info is separate from city and police databases. This is one of the ways BlueJay keeps your data secure.*  

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